You’re dino-mite!

Dino 2

How doesn’t love dinosaurs? Come on, everybody loves them! Girls have a princess phase when they are young. Boys want to become astronauts. But everybody loves dinosaurs!

And I love dinosaurs, too. Still do! I love the cute and lovable ones from The Land Before Time as well as the really cool realistic ones from Jurassic Park.

So purchasing the Critters from the Past set from Lawn Fawn really was a no-brainer for me.

Lawn Fawn CrittersFromThePastSo I stamped and I coloured my heart out and brought the adorable little creatures back to life.

I sat a whole evening just enjoying colouring them with my copic markers and cutting them out. Soon I had enough to open my own Jurassic Park!

Dino 1

And then I started to group them together and created little worlds on my cards for them to live in.

Dino 6

Dino 7

Dino 5

Dino 4

Dino 3

Have a dino-mite day!

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Über Christina Hagenauer

passionate paper designer and crafter
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