The Sweets-Series

Hello! This is my new card series, which was inspired by cupcakes and sunshine. It all started when I was treating myself to a yummy cupcake…



From that sweet inspiration I created the first card. I drew a pink cupcake und colored it with my copics. Some cute patterned paper and lots of sparkle – and the card was done.

The Sweet-Series #1

The Sweet-Series #1

I then did the same thing with a blue cupcake.

The Sweet-Series #2

The Sweet-Series #2

But my sweet-phase wasn’t over yet. So I decided to make a whole series with sweets. I continued with 2 ice cream cards and also a card with chocolate fondue (yummy strawberries and kiwi).

The Sweet-Series #3

The Sweet-Series #3

The Sweet-Series #4

The Sweet-Series #4

The Sweet-Series #5

The Sweet-Series #5

Bon appétit.

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Über Christina Hagenauer

passionate paper designer and crafter
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