Cards made with easy backgrounds

As you might know by now I follow Jennifer McGuire on social media, who often inspires my cards.  For this card series, she also inspired me. I used her technique to make easy backgrounds using almost all of the sentiment stamps I own and the Misti.

I used a similar color for stamping on the paper so the backgrounds would not e too overwhelming.

For me as a social media manager the background looks very appealing because it reminds me of a tag cloud.

After the backgrounds were finished I added a simple focal point with flowers and cute critters and a focal sentiment in black and white.

flower blue

flower blue

blue bird

blue bird

flower blue

flower blue

blue chamaeleon

blue chamaeleon

green frog

green frog

green chamaeleon

green chamaeleon


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Über Christina Hagenauer

passionate paper designer and crafter
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